Parallel Session-XII: Administration and Monitoring

22 August 2015, Saturday
Chair: Prof. Dr. E. Iwasaki, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Room: Surma
Functional evaluation of bridge bearings based on the field measurement
N. Shibasaki, M. Ikeda & M. Sakano
Structural condition assessment of bridges and culverts in national highway N7
S. Sharkia, M.N. Haque & M.S.K. Bhuiya
SHM systems for bridge inspection and maintenance - case studies
G. Moor, K. Islami & C. Ghosh
Application of different structural health monitoring system on bridges- An overview
F.H. Chowdhury, M.T. Raihan & G.M.S. Islam
Implementation of optimum toll pricing system in bridges
S.M.R. Rahman, M.S. Mamun, E. Kabir & M.R. Mannan
Structural adequacy of a deformed prestressed concrete girder in Khodarhat bridge: An assessment utilizing filed vibration data and FE computations
A.F.M.S. Amin, K.M. Amanat, M.M. Islam & M.A.R. Bhuiyan