Auhor's Area

Guidelines for preparation of abstract and paper

  • The language of the Conference shall be English.
  • Participants wishing to present a contribution shall submit an abstract related to the conference themes by the deadline. The abstract shall be typed in English within 500 words.
  • Abstract should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, with the understanding that the paper will be presented at the conference.
  • Authors will be notified of the decision of their abstracts and full length papers as per schedule indicated.
  • Full length papers should be typed on A4 paper using MS Word'97 or higher version in accordance with the template and the detail instructions written therein.
  • Full length papers should be typed on A4 paper using MS Word'97 or higher version in accordance with the template and the detail instructions written therein.
  • Duration of oral presentation will be 15-20 minutes.
  • Only Multimedia Projection System will be available in oral presentation sessions.
  • The editable version of the soft copy of the abstract and the paper shall be uploaded at the conference web site by duly registering at the site.

Download the Paper Layout Template and Guidelines

Submission, acceptance and publication

The authors are requested to submit the abstracts and full papers to the Conference Secretariat via Online within the stipulated deadline. The authors and participants must register to the conference secretariat online before initiating the submission process. The abstracts and papers received by the Secretariat will be reviewed by a Committee or identified experts to judge its suitability for publication in the proceedings and/or in oral presentation. In this context, the relevance of the paper to the conference theme, write-up quality and originality of the work will be given due consideration.

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