Parallel Session-IX: Short & Medium Span Bridges-II: An IEB-JSCE Thematic

22 August 2015, Saturday
Chair: Prof. Dr. T. Miyashita, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
Room: Ball Room II
Three 2nd bridges construction and existing bridges rehabilitation under KMG project
M.S. Hoque, M.J. Alam, M.A.H. Patwary, A.S.M.E. Shah, A.H.M.J.H. Talukdar, M.S. Haque, M.S.R. Khan, M. Tatsumi & P.K. Ghosh
Shift in the natural frequencies of the deck of Bangabandhu Jamuna bridge due to CFRP strengthening
A.F.M.S. Amin, M.M. Islam, N. Fuad, M.S.I. Choudhury, A. Hasnat & K.M. Amanat
Fabrication and erection of Tokyo gate bridge
T. Yoneyama & Y. Fujii
Steel bridge quality management and weathering steel application technologies in Japan
S. Horii, Y. Mishima & M. Hashimoto
Advanced technologies for construction: A large scale repair and renovation of the metropolitan expressway network
H. Dobashi, K. Tsuno & M. Ogihara
Kuril flyover - ingenious design solution of a nagging congestion problem
M.A. Rahman, S. Ahmad & M.S. Hoque