Parallel Session-XI: Repair, Renovation and Retrofitting-III

22 August 2015, Saturday
Chair: Dr. M. Tatsumi, Oriental Consultants Global Co., Ltd., Japan
Room: Chitra
Work methodology for replacement of expansion joints of Meghna bridge in 2008
M.S. Haque, M.A. Sabur & M. Haider
Renovation of two century-old steel truss railway bridges to increase the vertical clearance
A.F.M.S. Amin, K.M. Amanat, R. Ahsan & R. Rahmatullah
Effect of stop-hole on fatigue at vertical stiffener welds of orthotropic steel deck
K. Osumi, H. Tokida, T. Mori & D. Sakama
Asymmetric demolition technology of large span variable cross-section continuous girder bridge
C. Zhu, W. Wang, S. Li & C. Jiang
Thermal based damage identification in RC beams
N.H.M.K. Serker
Shear strengthening of RC deep beams with circular openings using externally bonded SFRP composites
Q. Hussain & A. Pimanmas