Parallel Session-X: Repair, Renovation and Retrofitting-II

22 August 2015, Saturday
Chair: Prof. Dr. T. Ueda, Hokkaido University, Japan
Room: Meghna
Strengthening of steel and concrete structures using CFRP in Japan
A. Kobayashi, Y. Hidekuma & A. Tateishi
Use of FRP composite for strengthening of concrete structures
Z. Abbas & F. Shahadat
Numerical and experimental study on repaired steel beam using carbon fiber reinforced polymer
A. Awaludin & D.P. Sari
Bending performance of CFRP strengthened RC beams with different anchoring methods
S. Yunchao, W. Wei & L. Shaofang
Experiments and 3D analysis of ultimate bearing capacity of CFRP strengthened concrete slab
S. Yunchao, W. Wei & L. Shaofang
Fatigue performance of CFRP strengthened reinforced concrete bridge deck overhang
W. Wei, L. Shaofang, S. Yunchao, Z. Cixiang