Parallel Session-VII: Repair, Renovation and Retrofitting-I

22 August 2015, Saturday
Chair: Engr. S.M. Shaheedullah, President, BACE, Bangladesh.
Room: Surma
Seismic rehabilitation of masonry structure strengthening by two distinct FRPs
A. Rahman & T. Ueda
Replacement of expansion joints of 2nd Hooghly bridge, Kolkata
G. Moor, S. Majumdar, S. Lahiri & A. Ghosh
Post-disaster construction and bearing replacement of Bahaddarhat flyover
M.A. Rahman & S. Ahmad
Rehabilitation of Meghna and Meghna-Gumti bridge superstructures
M.A. Rahman, T. Chong & M.A.H. Khan
External post-tensioning of pier heads and bearing replacement of Hatirjheel bridge #4
M.A. Rahman, S. Ahmad & T. Chong